It’s time to take a break! Meaningful Success Blog has been on a break and it became the inspiration for this post. What do you do when it’s all just too much? Personally it’s part of my nature to push and go and run and do until I collapse… Sometimes literally. A skill I’d love to master is taking a break before I need one. So how do you know when you need a break, how to take a break, and building in a break schedule for your life? Let’s explore!
Too Much!
You know that feeling. When there are so many things going on and you can hardly keep you head straight. Everything seems like an emergency and is begging for your attention. Do you know when this is happening? This is the first step; know when there is just too much going on.
For me it was planning a wedding, the change of becoming someone’s spouse, and organizational changes at work. It was just too much.
What’s your too much? Is it just a feeling or an external cue like dishes piling up and no clothes to wear? Whatever it is, it’s Too Much!
Take a Break!
Check out your schedule. Right now. What is on there? Is there a meeting or an appointment you absolutely attend. Do it. But right after that schedule a block of time just for you. If you think powering through and just getting it done so you can take a break is the way to do it, Don’t. Take a break first. How much time should you give to this break? That depends on your schedule. And what does it mean to take a break? Here’s some suggestions.
5 minute break- Breath mindfully. Inhale for the count of 4, hold for a count of 4, and exhale for the count of 4.
15 minute break- Find a quiet place and just breathe. Turn on a meditation track or a song that recharges you.
30 minute break- Have you ate anything lately? Find something healthy-ish to eat. Some fruit, veggies, yogurt, a nice salad, a sandwich with whole grains. Nourish your body and take five deep breaths before eating. Jot down the most important thing you need to get done today. Make a plan to get that done.
60 minute break- Break away and get a quick 20 minute workout in. Yoga, dancing, walking. Exercise is a great stress buster.
When you are taking a break, that is all you are doing. You are not multitasking, ruminating, living in the past or the future. Stay mindful and present to fulfill your intention of taking a break. You are worth it.
Time for Me!
You are also worth the time it takes for self-care. Put your own oxygen mask on first, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so forth and so on. You’ve heard it before. It’s true. Self-care is the first step in preventing burnout. When you realize that too much has been going on and your self-care is slipping, go through this checklist of basics.
Is there healthy food available?
Is there enough clean clothes to put together an outfit or two?
Are the bills paid for the month?
Have you taken a shower lately (a full shower)?
Is your home clean-ish?
Start with the basics because they are self care, too. I think we get this image of self care that means spending money and time on manis, pedis, and a week long retreat. Self care is also the simple stuff like canceling a commitment to take care of you and your home.
What do you do when it’s Too Much? Just Take a Break and Take Time for You. Look around you or look inside for cues that you might have too much going on. Take a break from it all, right now.